Case Spotlight: When can a landlord charge double rent?

It is not uncommon that there are tenants who remain on the premises beyond the expiry of their tenancy. These tenants are usually called tenants “holding over”.

The landlord has a few remedies against tenants who do not vacate the premises after their tenancy is over. For example, the landlord can charge double rent during the period that the tenant remains on the premises after the expiry of the tenancy.

The Federal Court case of Rohasassets Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Wisma Perkasa Sdn Bhd) v Weatherford (M) Sdn Bhd & Anor [2020] 1 MLJ 557 explains when a landlord is entitled to claim double rental.

Brief Facts

Court’s Findings

A landlord’s right to claim double rental is found in Section 28(4)(a) of the Civil Law Act 1956:

Every tenant holding over after the determination of his tenancy shall be chargeable, at the option of his landlord , with double the amount of his rent until possession is given up by him or with double the value during the period of detention of the land or premises so detained, whether notice to that effect has been given or not. ” (emphasis ours)

The Federal Court held that double rental is chargeable only where the tenants are holding over without the landlord’s consent (express or implied). The above section does not mean that double rent is chargeable irrespective of whether consent to hold over had been given by the landlord.

On the facts, the Federal Court found Rohasassets had given tacit approval to the Tenants to remain on the land pending negotiations, and there was no clear intention from Rohasassets that it wanted the Tenants to vacate the premises after the expiry of their tenancies:

As such, during the negotiations, the Tenants were tenants at will and not trespassers. Rohasassets had waived its rights to claim double rent from the Tenants through its conduct.

Therefore, the Federal Court agreed with the decision of the Court of Appeal that Rohasassets could only claim double rent from the Tenants from 1 October 2011 to 31 October 2011, as the Tenants had become trespassers from the expiry of the notices to quit on 1 October 2011.

Key Takeaways

Correspondence between landlords and tenants should be in writing, especially if it involves contentious issues like determination of tenancy and double rental. If the landlord intends to charge double rent on the tenant even while negotiations are ongoing, there must be a clear indication from the landlord that they want the tenant to vacate the premises and that double rental would be chargeable otherwise.

Parties should also commence (and more importantly, conclude) negotiations on the renewal before the expiry of the tenancy. It is possible to plan ahead and initiate discussions early, given that the tenancy agreement will plainly state when the tenancy is due to expire.

This article was written by Sean Ferdinand Ng (Associate) from Donovan & Ho’s dispute resolution practice.

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