Writing College and Career Readiness Standards

These Standards describe what students who score in specific score ranges on the writing section of the ACT® college readiness assessment are likely to know and be able to do.

Note: Scores below 3 do not permit useful generalizations about students’ writing abilities.

View or print the set of Writing Standards (PDF, 5 pages) and Writing Curriculum Review Worksheets (PDF, 5 pages).

Score Range 9-10

Score Range 11-12

Ideas and Analysis

I&A 201. Understanding the task and writing with purpose

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 202. Analyzing critical elements of an issue
and differing perspectives on it

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 301. Understanding the task and writing with purpose

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 302. Analyzing critical elements of an issue and differing perspectives on it

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 401. Understanding the task and writing with purpose

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 402. Analyzing critical elements of an issue and differing perspectives on it

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 501. Understanding the task and writing with purpose

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 502. Analyzing critical elements of an issue and differing perspectives on it

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 601. Understanding the task and writing with purpose.

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

I&A 602. Analyzing critical elements of an issue and differing perspectives on it

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

Development and Support (D&S)

D&S 201. Building and strengthening the argument

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

D&S 301. Building and strengthening the argument

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

D&S 401. Building and strengthening the argument

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

D&S 501. Building and strengthening the argument

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

D&S 601. Building and strengthening the argument

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

Organization (ORG)

ORG 201. Grouping and connecting ideas

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 202. Employing an organizational strategy

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 301. Grouping and connecting ideas

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 302. Employing an organizational strategy

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 401. Grouping and connecting ideas

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 402. Employing an organizational strategy

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 501. Grouping and connecting ideas

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 502. Employing an organizational strategy

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 601. Grouping and connecting ideas

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

ORG 602. Employing an organizational strategy

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

Language Use and Conventions (L&C)

L&C 201. Using language to enhance meaning

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

L&C 202. Applying the conventions of standard written English

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

L&C 301. Using language to enhance meaning

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

Make word choices that are general and occasionally imprecise

Make stylistic choices, including voice, tone, and diction, that are not always appropriate for the given writing purpose and topic

L&C 302. Applying the conventions of standard written English

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

L&C 401. Using language to enhance meaning

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

L&C 402. Applying the conventions of standard written English

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

Compose sentences with clear and occasionally varied structures

Produce writing that has errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics but conveys meaning clearly

L&C 501. Using language to enhance meaning

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

L&C 502. Applying the conventions of standard written English

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

L&C 601. Using language to enhance meaning

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to:

Make skillful and precise word choices that enhance the argument

Make stylistic choices, including voice, tone, and diction, that are strategic and effective for the given writing purpose and topic

L&C 602. Applying the conventions of standard written English

A score in this range indicates that the writer is able to: