Lesson Plans for Drama Teachers

Lesson Plans for Drama Teachers

Drama Teachers – Looking for lesson plans? Look no further!

We’ve got some great resources for drama teacher lesson plans. Plus, be sure to check out the link at the end of this post for a printable PDF: Top Ten Tips For Writing Awesome Lesson Plans as well as a fillable PDF Lesson Plan Template!

The Theatrefolk Learning Centre

Explore our learning centre to discover a ton of classroom-ready exercises regularly created specifically for drama teachers. Articles, writing prompts, acting/directing/teaching tips, resources, warm-ups, games, classroom exercises, reflections and so much more!

The Drama Teacher Academy

Want access to a library of lesson plans? Join the DTA and have access to hundreds of lesson plans, as well as standalone units and full year curriculum, all designed for middle school and high school theatre.


Whether you’re a new teacher or new to teaching drama, this resource is for you. You’ll find articles on classroom management, exercises and activities and podcasts where you can hear directly from other teachers. Whatever you’re going through, you are not alone.

Emergency Lesson Plans for Theatre Teachers

Every classroom should have our Emergency Lesson Plans for Theatre Teachers resource. This is a fantastic resource with 30 printable lesson plans that are ideal for pulling out on a rainy day or confidently leaving in the hands of a substitute teacher. Be prepared for when you can't be there!

Scenes for Classroom Study

With over 30 scenes and 200 pages, this resource is designed to help with character study, acting, scene work, substitute teachers, performance, Individual Event competitions and so much more.

Each scene comes with Close Reading Questions, Staging Suggestions and Character Development.

81 Playwriting Exercises

81 exercises that can be used to get students in the habit of writing on a regular basis. Great for practice, warm-ups and emergency lesson plans when you can’t be there.

Classroom Study Guides

Many of the plays in the Theatrefolk catalogue include easy-to-use comprehensive classroom study guides designed to challenge students to deepen their understanding and connection to the plays they’re studying.

Complete with pre-read questions and activities, close reading analysis, and post-read activities, these study guides allow you to provide an in-depth & theatrical learning experience.

Here are some other great online resources for finding lesson plans:
CODE (Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators)

Loads of units & lesson plans for all grades. Some of the content is only available to CODE members, but there is also a lot of free material.

The Drama Notebook

The Drama Notebook is a great resource offering drama activities for kids, with a focus on elementary students.