Cathedral oakland mass schedule

Join us for an orientation to Confirmation on August 25. Learn more and complete an interest form to RSVP.

If you are seeking the Sacrament of Baptism or First Communion for your child, please complete the interest form to register for orientation and learn more.

All are welcome for an evening including Adoration, dinner, and a talk given by Fr. Dennis McManus on spiritual warfare. Speaker: Fr. Dennis McManus When: Saturday, June 15th 2024, 6pm - 9pm. Venue: Cathedral of Christ the Light, 2121 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA  For more information, contact email

All Children receiving First Holy Communion in your Schools and Parishes are invited to participate in a Solemn Corpus Christi Mass and outdoor Eucharistic Procession at the Cathedral of Christ the Light on Sunday, June 2 at 11:00 AM. All children are invited to wear their First Communion garments. Children are also invited to a simple cupcake reception at the Event Center after the outdoor procession. The children can also have photos taken with their class, or friends attending. For more information and or RSVP and register your First Communion children, please email Fr. Erick Vila at

Saint Leo the Great School, a ministry of Saint Leo the Great Parish & Christ the Light Cathedral, has no Library. Help us shine the light of literacy on our students. Help us create a Digital Library for our students that will be available 24/7 from any digital device. (Click to learn more).